Tiffany <3

Live. Love. Laugh

Bill of Rights

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tiffany at 10:25 am on Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Amendment 1: Freedom of speech, religion, and the right to petition the government

(I think this is the most important amendment because it allows citizens to choose our government, allows us to believe in what we want and gives us the right to say whatever we want.)

Amendment 2: The right to bear arms shall not be taken away.

Amendment 3: Troops can’t stay in peoples house unless they have permission.

Amendment 4: Law enforcement needs a probable cause to search or a search warrant before they can search.

Amendment 5: innocent until proven guilty.

Amendment 6: The right to speedy trial.

Amendment 7:  Can’t go to court for the same case twice.

Amendment 8: No cruel or unusual punishment.

Amendment 9: Rights retained by the people.

Amendment 10: States keep their rights that aren’t in the United States Constitution.


Why did they come up with the bill of rights? Because anti-Federalists thought that the constitution was delegated to the new government and was reserved to the people.

What are they? The first ten amendments attached to the Constitution.

What do they state? They provide for individual rights of citizens and the limitations that the Federal government can’t do to them.

When were they ratified? September 25,1789

What is the process of adding an Amendment to the Constitution? There are actually two ways to amend it. The first is for the amendment to pass through houses of the legislature by a two-thirds majority in each. Once the amendment is passed by both of the houses, it then goes on to the states. Three-fourths of the states have to agree to amend it before it becomes part of the Constitution.

What is American identity and culture? American is very fortunate to have so much freedom. Most of the other countries don’t have a lot of freedom and are a lot less fortunate than America.