Tiffany <3

Live. Love. Laugh

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tiffany at 11:27 am on Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Community Service


Community service is very important! Doing for the community is not only helpful, but rewarding as well.  For community service in my town, I have interviewed new students coming  to Flex, preformed plays for the senior citizens at the Friendship Terrace Center, sorted recycling items for our school, did a presentation for Rotary Club sharing with them how Flex students carry out their day, and cleaned out a freezer that had gotten unplugged, and had rotten meat in it.


The volunteer project I enjoyed the most, was the plays a few students and I did for the senior citizens. I was embarrassed to go perform funny plays that I hadn’t had much rehearsal with, but I did it. It felt so rewarding walking out  the Friendship Terrace doors because when I looked back to say goodbye, every elderly had a smile on their face from ear to ear. Knowing we made their day, it made me feel good and put a smile on my face.


My least favorite volunteer task was cleaning out the stinky freezer! It was so gnarly! Fish, moose, and rabbit blood, covered shelves. With massive amounts of oxi-clean, warm soapy water, a wire brush, a sponge, a rag, and a little elbow grease took care of that disaster.

We need volunteers! In Homer, without the help of the volunteers, art shows, trash pick up, community dinners and stuff like that, would not be possible. Take initiative and help your community!


Community service is not just important in your community but globally as well. A high school student decided to go backpacking in Asia at the end of her senior year. Once she arrived, she made the decision to stay there. When she realized and was exposed to so many homeless and orphanage children, she wanted to help. She wanted to make a change, and that is exactly what she has done. Currently she is caring for 24 orphans and has put 700 homeless children into safe living quarters.